2011-2015 Individual MoG
2016 High School MoG

Why did you decide to work with very50 through the MoG program?
At the British Council event, Ryo introduced what he’s doing at very50 and suggested the possibility of working together with me and Sandra, who was the staff of British Council, through the MoG program. After he came to Cisalopa village he said that the MoG program would be very helpful for my business.
On the first day when he came, I already thought of the MoG program as being essential for my business. The fact that very50 doesn’t charge expensive fees helped me decide to work with them as well. The only thing I am supposed to do is to prepare some rooms for the MoG members at my place, so I don’t need to pay for their accommodation. Among others, the biggest reason I have decided to do the MoG program was I could trust Ryo. Many people showed their interests in us, but Ryo was the only person who actually came to Cisalopa villge, which is far from Jakarta.

What was the output that the MoG program created for your business?
During the MoG program, we focused on making a business plan, developing new sales channels and improving products. We developed new selling channels of Greenna and made some pops. As our social activities, we visited a school for environment education, cleaned up Cisalopa village and made a garbage disposal system. We had a difficult time in creating the Greenna’s mission and vision. We spent much time blushing up Greenna’s mission and vision. It was very helpful for me.
How has very50 supported your activities in addition to the MoG program?
very50 invited me to Japan. I could learn a lot about the Japanese market including the fact that consumers in Japan are very interested in eco friendly products. They also arranged some meetings with those who are running fair trade shop in Japan for me. Ryo and other very50 staff members keep supporting us in many ways such as business management, a monthly report and so on.